Hi! I'm Mark. I'm a researcher, and citizen, playing my part(s) in the Australian disability sector. I have a Ph.D. in Psychology, and lived experience of disability. Professionally, I apply social science methods to elucidate how individuals think, feel, and behave. I help businesses, organisations, governments, and the broader community answer important questions with hard data. I enable compassionate policy through dispassionate analysis. I’m a Senior Research Fellow with the Summer Foundation. I need a newer photo. In 2013, Mark was awarded his PhD in Psychology from Deakin University, after completing an empirical thesis on health-related cognition and risk judgement. Around the same time, Mark was swept up in the excitement of the NDIS revolution. (Mark has a physical disability, and is a lifelong power wheelchair user.) Soon his interests turned towards opportunities to contribute in the disability sector. Since 2013, he has worked as a researcher, analyst, and consultant, working with a variety of government, private, and not-for-profit organisations in the disability sector. Mark lives in inner-city Melbourne with his partner and their dog. Duffy, S. & Brown, M. (2023).
Redesigning the NDIS:
An international perspective on an Australian disability support system. Citizen Network Research. Winkler, D., Brown, M., D’Cruz, K., Oliver, S., Mulherin, P. (2022). Getting the NDIS back on track: A survey of people with disability. Summer Foundation. Brown, M., Condi, A., Davis E., Goodwin, I., Winkler, D., Douglas, J. (2022). Young people in residential aged care: Is Australia on track to meet its targets? Australian Journal of Social Issues, 57 (2), 329-343 Brown, M.G., Bishop, G., Winkler, D., & Douglas, J.M. (2020). Young people in Australian residential aged care: evaluating trends 2008 to 2018. Australian Health Review. Callaway, L., Brown, M.G., Fensham-Cobb, P., Worsnop, T., & Farrell, D. (2015). Considerations for National Disability Insurance Scheme design: The health and disability interface for people with complex needs living in shared supported accommodation. Melbourne, Australia: Monash University, Yooralla, Summer Foundation & Multiple Sclerosis Limited. Brown, M. G., & Gold, R. S. (2014). Cognitive responses to positively and negatively framed health messages: a thought-listing study. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 19:6, Craig, D., Brown, M.G., McNamara, C., Forbes, S. (2013) Moving into My Own Home (Report). Melbourne: Youth Disability Advocacy Service. Brown, M.G. (2012). Spontaneous Judgements of Health-Related Risk. (PhD Thesis). Deakin University, Melbourne. Gold, R.S. & Brown, M.G. (2009). Explaining the effect of event valence on unrealistic optimism. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 14, Brown, M.G. (2007). Explaining effects of event valence on unrealistic optimism (Honours Thesis). Deakin University, Melbourne. PGP users can use these public keys to send me encrypted messages or verify my digital signatures: Work
Research Areas